CrankyGoat™ Web Info


When we decided to create our own personal website, we were excited to develop a “state of the art” website to better promote our lifestyle, goals and environmental perspectives. However, we soon realized the senseless vanity and overall frivolity of this time consuming endeavour. At last official count, the World Wide Web contains an estimated 50+ Billion (that’s definitely a B for Billion) unique web pages. Note, that is web pages not web sites. A distinctive difference, as any given web site (such as this one) often has many separate web pages!

Determining how many unique web sites there currently are is a bit of a trick question, as there isn't a definite answer. However, right now there are well over 2+ Billion websites on the Internet according to Netcraft - a leading authority on web related infrastructure.  However, only a fraction of these are actively used and updated. In fact, it's estimated that a staggering 82% of these websites are inactive. Over nearly two billion distinct websites to sort through is a lot - but when we're talking about the Internet, sounds kind of small. It won't be small for long though, as the Internet is still growing by leaps and bounds. With the rapid worldwide adoption of smartphones and tablets, the growth of both personal and corporate websites is expected to grow exponentially for the foreseeable future...

Consequently, we promptly decided it is both unproductive and impractical to try and compete in vying for web viewers time and interest. If you are truly interested in finding out the basic facts about us and our quirky but much beloved sanctuary at Cranky Goat Cottage - then you will find that information on the numerous pages throughout this website.

In our fickle world of “instant gratification” the average user views any given website for less than 60 seconds! In fact, we are pleasantly surprised you have made it this far - we sincerely thank you for that courtesy. However, personally, we ourselves would much rather be putting that energy into our own introverted lifestyle and simply be out there enjoying life - especially with our dog!

So if you are reading this and it is a beautiful day outside, we thank you for your interest but please stop reading now, turn off your damn computer and go outside to enjoy Mother Nature in all her glory and truly appreciate the wonderful planet we all share... before it is too late!  You can always come back and peruse our site again at a later date... savour us on a rainy day, and enjoy life outside while you can - to truly protect our beautiful planet you need to first appreciate it in the first place!

Live Simply. Live Healthy. Live Happy...

© CrankyGoat™ |  All Rights Reserved